PARK RAPIDS, MN (March 28 ,2020) CHI St. Joseph’s Health Community Health would like to share with the public that as of today, Saturday March 28, 2020, there are no known positive cases of COVID-19 in Hubbard County. This morning the Minnesota Department of Health incorrectly identified a case as residing in Hubbard County. This was an error will be corrected on their website shortly.
Community spread of COVID-19 is present in Minnesota, and while we have no lab identified cases in Hubbard County, we should assume it is circulating in our community. Please continue to practice personal protective measures and social distancing guidelines:
- Per the Governors order, stay home as much as possible, leaving only for essential needs (food, medical needs).
- If you need to go out in public, maintain social distance and wash your hands frequently.
- Stay home when you are sick and contact your healthcare provider for guidance.
- Cover your cough.