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CHI St. Joseph’s Health Hospice Care Earns Patient Satisfaction Award:

I am very pleased to share that CHI St. Joseph’s Hospice program was recently recognized for achieving an overall patient satisfaction score that ranked in the top 20% in the nation for 2021. This earned St. Joseph’s Hospice program the Superior Performance award from Strategic Health Programs (SHP). SHP measures our patient satisfaction and created this award to acknowledge hospice providers that consistently provide high quality service to families and caregivers of patients receiving hospice care. With one of the largest Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) Hospice benchmarks in the nation, SHP is in a unique position to identify and recognize organizations that have made family and caregiver satisfaction a priority and have been rewarded for their efforts with high marks on the CAHPS Hospice survey. Strategic Health Programs (SHP) award recipients are determined by ranking the overall score for all SHP CAHPS Hospice clients. In addition, all award recipients must have scored better than or equal to the SHP national average for the period for each of the 8 publicly reported domains. St. Joseph’s was the only Hospice program recognized by SHP in the State of Minnesota. Congratulations to our entire Hospice team for their outstanding work!

Care Compare 5 Star Rating

CHI St. Joseph’s Health Hospice Care received a 5-star rating by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Care Compare program.

Care Compare is an online tool which allows patients and families to directly compare providers in their service area. Ratings are based directly on satisfaction scores from family/caregivers of patients who received care from these providers. CHI St Joseph’s Health Hospice Care is the only agency in our service area to receive a 5-star rating, as well as receiving at or above the national and state averages in ALL categories of family/caregiver experience.

Click here to find out more about the Care Compare program

CHI St. Joseph's Health Hospice Care received a 5-star rating by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Care Compare program

Contact information for CHI St. Joseph's Health, CHI St. Joseph's Health Community Dental Clinic, Hospice Care, Community Health, Physical Rehabilitation and Fitness Center, and Weight Management Center. Click here

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